Programme features
The four-day course will cover a wide range of established and emerging topics concerning Immunology, Metabolism, and Ageing.
- Mitochondria and Aging
- Senolytics
- Inflammation and Immune Responses in Metabolic Disease
- The Role of Extracellular Vesicles in Aging and Senescence
- B Cell Aging and Metabolism
- T cell Aging and Metabolism
- Inflammation, Autophagy and Cell Death
- Inflammaging in the Nervous System
The programme includes
Eighteen invited lectures
Selected short talks
Twenty-one short talks to be selected from the submitted Abstracts
Poster sessions
Two poster sessions
Breakfast with an expert
Two time slots for informal exchange during breakfasts at the congress venue
Interactive sessions
- FEBS presentation (Member-in-charge Prof. Mateja Manček Keber) and Meet the Editors
- Equal Opportunities in Science
- Hot Topics: Pro & Contra
- Entrepreneurship
Outdoor activities
On Tuesday, the programme will provide an extended time slot for leisure time enjoying various outdoor activities with your colleagues