Travel Grants
Travel Grants
Four FEBS Youth Travel Funds (YTF) Awards are available to support participation of early-career scientists in this event. These funds will cover the registration fee (including costs of event meals, and shared accommodation in a twin room) and a contribution towards travel expenses, up to a maximum of total EUR 750 per person. The selection of applicants to receive FEBS YTF awards will be carried out by the Course Organizers on the basis of merits and bearing in mind the eligibility criteria set by FEBS, and will be approved by the FEBS Treasury Office according to the FEBS YTF eligibility criteria (also shown below).
Application and notification of outcome:
Please check the guidance in the Applications section of the website. Note that you will need to apply as a 'Travel Grant Applicant' and upload specific supporting documents.
Applicants selected by the Course Organizers will be notified by June 13, 2025 and receive a FEBS Treasury YTF form, to be returned to the FEBS Treasury for approval approximately 8 weeks before the event's start date, i.e. by July 11, 2025.
Eligibility criteria for applicants travelling from the FEBS area of Europe and neighbouring regions:
- The applicant should be not older than 35, should be registered as a PhD student at an institute of higher learning in a country where there is a FEBS Constituent Society or should be a postdoctoral scientist within five years of having completed a PhD thesis, working in a country where there is a FEBS Constituent Society;
- The applicant must be a member of a FEBS Constituent Society and provide a valid certificate of membership (for FEBS Constituent Societies, see the Our Members section of the FEBS website);
- The applicant should not have received a grant from the Youth Travel Fund to attend a FEBS Course / Workshop in the current year or previous year, nor a Bursary to attend the FEBS Congress in the current year, nor a grant to attend the FEBS Young Scientists’ Forum in the current year;
- The applicant cannot be a resident of the country hosting the event;
- For awards with travel funding, only travel within the FEBS area from the applicant’s current country of residence to the country hosting the FEBS event is supported;
- Young scientists from the Organizers’ laboratories are not eligible for FEBS YTF awards.
For applicants travelling from outside the FEBS area:
One transcontinental YTF award (trans-YTF) of up to USD 2000 is offered as a result of support from IUBMB for participation of scientists from outside the FEBS area in this event. For eligibility crtieria, please find the guidelines here on the FEBS website.